How to create effective business-nonprofit partnerships

This is a topic that Cynthia presents occasionally. If the event scheduled below is passed, email BiP that you are interested and we’ll keep you posted. Or, invite Cynthia to present the topic at your organization.


Chamber Business Academy class at PVCC (click for PDF of spring courses)
At the Stultz Center at PVCC.
Fee: $42 for Chamber members and $65 for non-Chamber members.
Business and nonprofit employees and board members are encouraged to attend.


Business and nonprofit employees and board members are encouraged to attend.
Maketing budgets have been trimmed. But businesses must attract more customers and clients. Some businesses partner with nonprofits to stretch marketing dollars and position themselves as positive forces in the community. Nonprofits must raise money. Some find it in the marketing budgets of businesses.

Does your business have a plan for forming these partnerships? Does your nonprofit have a clear understanding of how to approach a business? What does each seek to gain? What does each bring to the table? We will take a look at successful partnerships and learn from local leaders how we can move our businesses and nonprofits forward into successful partnerships that work!

The session will utilize results of interviews with local business leaders, including:

  • Suzanne Brooks, CEO of Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Central Virginia
  • Christopher Lee, President of Piedmont Virginia Companies
  • Glenn Rust, CEO of Virginia National Bank
  • Phil Shiflett, CEO of Hantzmon-Wiebel
  • Jen Alvarez, State Farm Insurance.